<label for="arc-radius">arc radius <em>r</em></label>
<input name="arc-radius" type="range" id="radius-slider" min="0" />
<span id="value-P0" class="input" tabindex="0">
= (<span id="value-P0x" class="input" contenteditable="true"></span>,
<span id="value-P0y" class="input" contenteditable="true"></span>)
<span id="value-P1" class="input" tabindex="0">
= (<span id="value-P1x" class="input" contenteditable="true"></span>,
<span id="value-P1y" class="input" contenteditable="true"></span>)
<span id="value-P2" class="input" tabindex="0">
= (<span id="value-P2x" class="input" contenteditable="true"></span>,
<span id="value-P2y" class="input" contenteditable="true"></span>)
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<em>T<sub>1</sub></em> = <span id="value-T1"></span>
<em>T<sub>2</sub></em> = <span id="value-T2"></span>
<div><em>C</em> = <span id="value-C"></span></div>
/* arcTo() demo
* Note: there are browser issues at least in Chrome regarding cursor
* updates. See
* https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37462132/update-mouse-cursor-without-moving-mouse-with-changed-css-cursor-property
* Cursor problems were also seen when text was selected before entering
* the canvas. Additional tests which may appear to be redundant in the
* code minimized these issues.
"use strict";
/* Parameters for demo */
const param = {
canvasWidth: 300, // canvas size
canvasHeight: 300,
hitDistance: 5, // mouse distance to be considered a hit
errorTolCenter: 1e-4, // limit on circle center differences
radiusMax: 250, // largest allowed radius
P0x: 50, // initial point
P0y: 50,
P1x: 275, // First control point
P1y: 150,
P2x: 50, // Second control point
P2y: 275,
radius: 75, // radius of arc
/* Some math for 2-D vectors */
class Math2D {
/* Create new point */
static point(x = 0, y = 0) {
return { x: x, y: y };
/* Create new vector */
static vector(x = 0, y = 0) {
return this.point(x, y);
/* Subtraction: difference = minuend - subtrahend */
static subtract(difference, minuend, subtrahend) {
difference.x = minuend.x - subtrahend.x;
difference.y = minuend.y - subtrahend.y;
/* Find L2 norm */
static L2(a) {
return Math.hypot(a.x, a.y);
/* Dot product */
static dot(a, b) {
return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y;
/* Find point on line defined parametrically by
* L = P0 + t * direction */
static linePointAt(P0, t, dir) {
return this.point(P0.x + t * dir.x, P0.y + t * dir.y);
} /* end of class Math2D */
/* Text values allowing alternate inputs */
class TextInput {
/* Mutation observer to watch the focused text input */
static mo = new MutationObserver(TextInput.processInput);
static moOptions = {
subtree: true, // character data in internal node
characterData: true,
/* Symbol to add index information to mutation observer */
static symbolTextInput = Symbol("textInput");
/* Handler for mutations of focused text input */
static processInput(mrs, mo) {
/* Access textInput object associated with the mutations */
const textInput = mo[TextInput.symbolTextInput];
/* Find the character data mutation and update based on the input */
for (let i = 0, n = mrs.length; i < n; i++) {
const mr = mrs[i];
if (mr.type === "characterData") {
const target = mr.target;
if (target.nodeType !== 3) {
"Mutation record type CharacterData but " +
"node type = " +
/* Handle non-digits entered by parsing */
let value = parseInt(target.textContent);
value = isNaN(value) ? 0 : value;
idText, // id of element in document
idControl, // id of control in element, if any (radius ony)
valueMax, // allowed values from 0 to maxValue, inclusive
getStateValue, // function to get value from state object
) {
// function to set value on state object
this.#valueMax = valueMax;
this.elementText = document.getElementById(idText);
this.elementControl =
idControl === null ? null : document.getElementById(idControl);
this.getStateValue = getStateValue;
this.setStateValue = setStateValue;
this.#callbackKeydown = (evt) => {
let valueInput;
switch (evt.code) {
case "Enter": // Do not allow since adds <br> nodes
case "ArrowUp":
valueInput = Number(this.elementText.textContent) + 1;
case "ArrowDown":
valueInput = Number(this.elementText.textContent) - 1;
default: // ignore all others
TextInput.mo.disconnect(); // suspend while changing value
this.updateFull(valueInput); // do update
const options = { subtree: true, characterData: true };
TextInput.mo.observe(this.elementText, TextInput.moOptions);
// observe again
this.#callbackFocus = (evt) => {
/* Link mutation observer to the associated text input object */
TextInput.mo[TextInput.symbolTextInput] = this;
/* Look for changes in the input.
* subtree: true needed since text is in internal node(s)
* childList: true needed since <enter> becomes a <br> node */
TextInput.mo.observe(this.elementText, TextInput.moOptions);
/* Check for up and down arrows to increment/decrement values */
this.elementText.addEventListener("keydown", this.#callbackKeydown);
/* When focus is lost, stop watching this input */
this.elementText.addEventListener("blur", () => {
this.elementText.addEventListener("focus", this.#callbackFocus);
} // end of class TextInput
/* Function to update based on input received from text input source */
updateFull(value) {
/* Clamp value in range */
if (value > this.#valueMax) {
value = this.#valueMax;
} else if (value < 0) {
value = 0;
/* Make consistent and update */
const valueTextPrev = this.elementText.textContent;
const valueString = String(value);
if (valueTextPrev !== valueString) {
this.elementText.textContent = valueString;
if (this.elementControl) {
const valueControlPrev = this.elementControl.value;
if (valueControlPrev !== valueString) {
this.elementControl.value = valueString;
const valueStatePrev = this.getStateValue();
if (valueStatePrev !== value) {
// input caused state change
} /* end of class TextInput */
/* Given configuration parameters, initialize the state */
function initDemoState({
canvasWidth = 300,
canvasHeight = 300,
hitDistance = 5,
errorTolCenter = 1e-4,
radiusMax = 250,
P0x = 0,
P0y = 0,
P1x = 0,
P1y = 0,
P2x = 0,
P2y = 0,
radius = 0,
} = {}) {
const s = {};
s.controlPoints = [
Math2D.point(P0x, P0y),
Math2D.point(P1x, P1y),
Math2D.point(P2x, P2y),
s.hitDistance = hitDistance;
s.errorTolCenter = errorTolCenter;
s.canvasSize = Math2D.point(canvasWidth, canvasHeight);
if (radius > radiusMax) {
/* limit param to allowed values */
radius = radiusMax;
s.radius = radius;
s.radiusMax = radiusMax;
[s.haveCircle, s.P0Inf, s.P2Inf, s.T1, s.T2, s.C] = findConstruction(
s.pointActiveIndex = -1; // no point currently active
s.pointActiveMoving = false; // Active point hovering (false) or
// moving (true)
s.mouseDelta = Math2D.point(); // offset of mouse pointer
//from point center
return s;
function updateResults() {
ConstructionPoints.print(state.T1, state.T2, state.C);
function updateConstruction() {
[state.haveCircle, state.P0Inf, state.P2Inf, state.T1, state.T2, state.C] =
/* Find the geometry that arcTo() uses to draw the path */
function findConstruction([P0, P1, P2], r, canvasSize, errorTolCenter) {
/* Find the center of a circle of radius r having a point T with a
* tangent in the direction d and the center on the same side of
* the tangent as dirTan. */
function findCenter(T, d, r, dirTan) {
/* Find direction of line normal to tangent line
* Taking larger value to avoid division by 0.
* a . n = 0. Set smaller component to 1 */
const dn =
Math.abs(d.x) < Math.abs(d.y)
? Math2D.point(1, -d.x / d.y)
: Math2D.point(-d.y / d.x, 1);
/* The normal may be pointing towards center or away.
* Make towards center if not */
if (Math2D.dot(dn, dirTan) < 0) {
dn.x = -dn.x;
dn.y = -dn.y;
/* Move a distance of the radius along line Tx + t * dn
* to get to the center of the circle */
return Math2D.linePointAt(T, r / Math2D.L2(dn), dn);
/* Test for coincidence. Note that points will have small integer
* coordinates, so there is no issue with checking for exact
* equality */
const dir1 = Math2D.vector(P0.x - P1.x, P0.y - P1.y); // dir line 1
if (dir1.x === 0 && dir1.y === 0) {
// P0 and P1 coincident
return [false];
const dir2 = Math2D.vector(P2.x - P1.x, P2.y - P1.y); // dir of line 2
if (dir2.x === 0 && dir2.y === 0) {
// P2 and P1 coincident
return [false];
/* Magnitudes of direction vectors defining lines */
const dir1Mag = Math2D.L2(dir1);
const dir2Mag = Math2D.L2(dir2);
/* Make direction vectors unit length */
const dir1_unit = Math2D.vector(dir1.x / dir1Mag, dir1.y / dir1Mag);
const dir2_unit = Math2D.vector(dir2.x / dir2Mag, dir2.y / dir2Mag);
/* Angle between lines -- cos angle = a.b/(|a||b|)
* Using unit vectors, so |a| = |b| = 1 */
const dp = Math2D.dot(dir1_unit, dir2_unit);
/* Test for collinearity */
if (Math.abs(dp) > 0.999999) {
/* Angle 0 or 180 degrees, or nearly so */
return [false];
const angle = Math.acos(Math2D.dot(dir1_unit, dir2_unit));
/* Distance to tangent points from P1 --
* (T1, P1, C) form a right triangle (T2, P1, C) same triangle.
* An angle of each triangle is half of the angle between the lines
* tan(angle/2) = r / length(P1,T1) */
const distToTangent = r / Math.tan(0.5 * angle);
/* Locate tangent points */
const T1 = Math2D.linePointAt(P1, distToTangent, dir1_unit);
const T2 = Math2D.linePointAt(P1, distToTangent, dir2_unit);
/* Center is along normal to tangent at tangent point at
* a distance equal to the radius of the circle.
* Locate center two ways. Should be equal */
const dirT2_T1 = Math2D.vector(T2.x - T1.x, T2.y - T1.y);
const dirT1_T2 = Math2D.vector(-dirT2_T1.x, -dirT2_T1.y);
const C1 = findCenter(T1, dir1_unit, r, dirT2_T1);
const C2 = findCenter(T2, dir2_unit, r, dirT1_T2);
/* Error in center calculations */
const deltaC = Math2D.vector(C2.x - C1.x, C2.y - C1.y);
if (deltaC.x * deltaC.x + deltaC.y * deltaC.y > errorTolCenter) {
`Programming or numerical error, ` +
`P0(${P0.x},${P0.y}); ` +
`P1(${P1.x},${P1.y}); ` +
`P2(${P2.x},${P2.y}); ` +
/* Average the center values */
const C = Math2D.point(C1.x + 0.5 * deltaC.x, C1.y + 0.5 * deltaC.y);
/* Find the "infinite values" of the two semi-infinite lines.
* As a practical consideration, anything off the canvas is
* infinite. A distance equal to the height + width of the canvas
* is assured to be sufficiently far away and has the advantage of
* being easily found. */
const distToInf = canvasSize.x + canvasSize.y;
const L1inf = Math2D.linePointAt(P1, distToInf, dir1_unit);
const L2inf = Math2D.linePointAt(P1, distToInf, dir2_unit);
return [true, L1inf, L2inf, T1, T2, C];
} /* end of function findConstruction */
/* Finds index and distance delta of first point in an array that is
* closest to the specified point or returns index of -1 if none */
function hitTestPoints(pointAt, points, hitDistance) {
const n = points.length;
const delta = Math2D.vector();
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Math2D.subtract(delta, pointAt, points[i]);
if (Math2D.L2(delta) <= hitDistance) {
return [i, delta];
return [-1]; // no hit
/* Handle a mouse move for either a mousemove event or mouseenter */
function doMouseMove(pointCursor, rBtnDown) {
/* Test for active move. If so, move accordingly based on the
* cursor position. The right button down flag handles the case
* where the cursor leaves the canvas with the right button down
* and enters with it up (not moving) or down (moving). It
* also helps to handle unreliable delivery of mouse events. */
if (state.pointActiveIndex >= 0 && state.pointActiveMoving && rBtnDown) {
/* A point was moving and is moving more */
/* If there is not an active move with the right button down,
* update active state based on hit testing. Mouse events have
* been found to not be reliably delivered sometimes, particularly
* with Chrome, so the programming must handle this issue */
state.pointActiveMoving = false; // not moving
const [pointHitIndex, testDelta] = hitTestPoints(
state.pointActiveIndex = pointHitIndex;
canvas.style.cursor = pointHitIndex < 0 ? "auto" : "pointer";
} /* end of function doMouseMove */
class ConstructionPoints {
static #vT1 = document.getElementById("value-T1");
static #vT2 = document.getElementById("value-T2");
static #vC = document.getElementById("value-C");
static print(T1, T2, C) {
function prettyPoint(P) {
return `(${P.x}, ${P.y})`;
if (state.haveCircle) {
this.#vT1.textContent = prettyPoint(T1);
this.#vT2.textContent = prettyPoint(T2);
this.#vC.textContent = prettyPoint(C);
} else {
this.#vT1.textContent = "undefined";
this.#vT2.textContent = "undefined";
this.#vC.textContent = "undefined";
/* Move the active point, which must exist when called, to
* its new point based on the cursor location and the offset of
* the cursor to the center of the point */
function moveActivePointAndUpdate(pointCursor) {
let pointAdjusted = Math2D.point();
Math2D.subtract(pointAdjusted, pointCursor, state.mouseDelta);
/* Adjust location to keep point on canvas */
if (pointAdjusted.x < 0) {
pointAdjusted.x = 0;
} else if (pointAdjusted.x >= state.canvasSize.x) {
pointAdjusted.x = state.canvasSize.x;
if (pointAdjusted.y < 0) {
pointAdjusted.y = 0;
} else if (pointAdjusted.y >= state.canvasSize.y) {
pointAdjusted.y = state.canvasSize.y;
/* Set point */
const index = state.pointActiveIndex;
const pt = state.controlPoints[index];
let isPointChanged = false;
let indexTextInput = 1 + 2 * index;
if (pt.x !== pointAdjusted.x) {
isPointChanged = true;
pt.x = pointAdjusted.x;
textInputs[indexTextInput].elementText.textContent = pointAdjusted.x;
if (pt.y !== pointAdjusted.y) {
isPointChanged = true;
pt.y = pointAdjusted.y;
textInputs[indexTextInput + 1].elementText.textContent = pointAdjusted.y;
if (isPointChanged) {
// Update results if x or y changed
function drawCanvas() {
const rPoint = 4;
const colorConstruction = "#080";
const colorDraggable = "#00F";
const [P0, P1, P2] = state.controlPoints;
ctx.font = "italic 14pt sans-serif";
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
ctx.lineWidth = 1;
/* Draw construction information if present */
if (state.haveCircle) {
ctx.strokeStyle = colorConstruction;
ctx.fillStyle = colorConstruction;
ctx.setLineDash([4, 6]);
/* Draw the construction points */
const specialPoints = [state.C, state.T1, state.T2];
specialPoints.forEach((value) => {
ctx.arc(value.x, value.y, rPoint, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
/* Draw the semi-infinite lines, a radius, and the circle */
ctx.moveTo(state.P0Inf.x, state.P0Inf.y);
ctx.lineTo(P1.x, P1.y);
ctx.lineTo(state.P2Inf.x, state.P2Inf.y);
ctx.moveTo(state.C.x, state.C.y);
ctx.lineTo(state.T1.x, state.T1.y);
ctx.arc(state.C.x, state.C.y, state.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
ctx.fillText("C", state.C.x, state.C.y - 15);
ctx.fillText("T\u2081", state.T1.x, state.T1.y - 15);
ctx.fillText("T\u2082", state.T2.x, state.T2.y - 15);
" r",
0.5 * (state.T1.x + state.C.x),
0.5 * (state.T1.y + state.C.y),
} else {
// no circle
ctx.moveTo(P0.x, P0.y);
ctx.setLineDash([2, 6]);
ctx.lineTo(P1.x, P1.y);
ctx.lineTo(P2.x, P2.y);
ctx.strokeStyle = colorConstruction;
/* Draw initial point and control points */
state.controlPoints.forEach((value) => {
ctx.arc(value.x, value.y, rPoint, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
ctx.fillStyle = colorDraggable;
ctx.fillStyle = "#000";
ctx.fillText("P\u2080", P0.x, P0.y - 15);
ctx.fillText("P\u2081", P1.x, P1.y - 15);
ctx.fillText("P\u2082", P2.x, P2.y - 15);
/* Draw the arcTo() result */
ctx.lineWidth = 3;
ctx.moveTo(P0.x, P0.y);
ctx.arcTo(P1.x, P1.y, P2.x, P2.y, state.radius);
ctx.strokeStyle = "#000";
} /* end of function drawCanvas */
function addPointArrowMoves() {
[0, 1, 2].forEach((value) => addPointArrowMove(value));
/* Allow arrow key presses on the point labels to move the point in
* x and y directions */
function addPointArrowMove(indexPoint) {
const elem = document.getElementById("value-P" + indexPoint);
let indexTextInput = 2 * indexPoint + 1;
elem.addEventListener("keydown", (evt) => {
let valueNew;
let indexActive = indexTextInput;
switch (evt.code) {
case "ArrowLeft": // left arrow -- dec x by 1
valueNew = textInputs[indexActive].getStateValue() - 1;
case "ArrowUp": // up arrow -- dec y by 1
valueNew = textInputs[++indexActive].getStateValue() - 1;
case "ArrowRight": // right arrow -- inc x by 1
valueNew = textInputs[indexActive].getStateValue() + 1;
case "ArrowDown": // down arrow -- inc y by 1
valueNew = textInputs[++indexActive].getStateValue() + 1;
default: // ignore all others
textInputs[indexActive].updateFull(valueNew); // do update
/* Set initial state based on parameters */
const state = initDemoState(param);
/* Radius slider update */
const controlR = document.getElementById("radius-slider");
controlR.value = state.radius; // match initial value with state
controlR.max = state.radiusMax;
controlR.addEventListener("input", (evt) => {
textInputs[0].elementText.textContent = controlR.value;
state.radius = controlR.value;
/* Create text inputs to set point locations and arc radius */
const textInputs = [
new TextInput(
() => state.radius,
(value) => (state.radius = value),
new TextInput(
() => state.controlPoints[0].x,
(value) => (state.controlPoints[0].x = value),
new TextInput(
() => state.controlPoints[0].y,
(value) => (state.controlPoints[0].y = value),
new TextInput(
() => state.controlPoints[1].x,
(value) => (state.controlPoints[1].x = value),
new TextInput(
() => state.controlPoints[1].y,
(value) => (state.controlPoints[1].y = value),
new TextInput(
() => state.controlPoints[2].x,
(value) => (state.controlPoints[2].x = value),
new TextInput(
() => state.controlPoints[2].y,
(value) => (state.controlPoints[2].y = value),
/* Allow arrow keystrokes to alter point location */
/* Initialize the text inputs from the associated state values */
textInputs.forEach((ti) => (ti.elementText.textContent = ti.getStateValue()));
/* Canvas setup */
const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
canvas.width = state.canvasSize.x;
canvas.height = state.canvasSize.y;
/* Mouse may move a moving point, move over and hover an unhovered
* point, move across a hovered point, or move on other parts of
* the canvas */
canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", (evt) =>
Math2D.point(evt.offsetX, evt.offsetY),
(evt.buttons & 1) === 1,
/* Left mouse press on hovered point transitions to a moving point */
canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", (evt) => {
if (evt.button !== 0) {
// ignore all but left clicks
const [pointHitIndex, testDelta] = hitTestPoints(
Math2D.point(evt.offsetX, evt.offsetY),
if (pointHitIndex < 0) {
// cursor over no point
return; // nothing to do
/* Cursor over (hovered) point */
state.pointActiveMoving = true; // point now moving
canvas.style.cursor = "move"; // Set to moving cursor
state.mouseDelta = testDelta; // dist of cursor from point center
/* Left mouse release if moving point transitions to a hovering point */
canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", (evt) => {
if (evt.button !== 0) {
// ignore all but left clicks
/* If there was a moving point, it transitions to a hovering
* point */
if (state.pointActiveMoving) {
state.pointActiveMoving = false; // point now hovering
canvas.style.cursor = "pointer";
/* Handle case that mouse reenters canvas with point moving.
* If left button down on entry, continue move; otherwise stop
* move. May also need to adjust hovering state */
canvas.addEventListener("mouseenter", (evt) =>
Math2D.point(evt.offsetX, evt.offsetY),
(evt.buttons & 1) === 1,
drawCanvas(); // Draw initial canvas
ConstructionPoints.print(state.T1, state.T2, state.C); // output pts