Permissions-Policy: fullscreen

The HTTP Permissions-Policy header fullscreen directive controls whether the current document is allowed to use Element.requestFullscreen().

By default, top-level documents and their same-origin child frames can request and enter fullscreen mode. This directive allows or prevents cross-origin frames from using fullscreen mode. This includes same-origin frames.

Specifically, where a defined policy blocks use of this feature, requestFullscreen() calls will return a Promise that rejects with a TypeError.

Note: If both this directive (i.e. via the allow attribute) and the allowfullscreen attribute are present on an <iframe> element, this directive takes precedence.


Permissions-Policy: fullscreen=<allowlist>;

A list of origins for which permission is granted to use the feature. See Permissions-Policy > Syntax for more details.

Default policy

The default allowlist for fullscreen is self.


General example

SecureCorp Inc. wants to disable the Fullscreen API within all browsing contexts except for its own origin and those whose origin is It can do so by delivering the following HTTP response header to define a Permissions Policy:

Permissions-Policy: fullscreen=(self "")

With an <iframe> element

FastCorp Inc. wants to disable fullscreen for all cross-origin child frames, except for a specific <iframe>. It can do so by delivering the following HTTP response header to define a Permissions Policy:

Permissions-Policy: fullscreen=(self)

Then include an allow attribute on the <iframe> element:

<iframe src="" allow="fullscreen"></iframe>

iframe attributes can selectively enable features in certain frames, and not in others, even if those frames contain documents from the same origin.


Fullscreen API Standard
# permissions-policy-integration

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser

See also